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Post-doctoral position available at CEA - Univer ... (No replies)

5 years ago
bruneval 5 years ago

A one year (with a possible extension to 2 years) post-doctoral position is open at SRMP lab,
CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, starting in early 2020. The post-doctoral fellow is to join a collaborative project ABInit implementation of improved Density Matrix, with Dr. Fabien
Bruneval (CEA Saclay) and Dr. Marc Torrent (CEA Bruyères-le-Châtel), funded by the CEA
cross-cutting program “Numerical Simulation”.

The main purpose of the project is to implement and test the quality of the recently introduced GW density matrix for condensed matter systems. The implementation will be based on the open-source code ABINIT. More details are available in the attached announcement.

We are looking for a skilled and motivated candidate who is proficient with solid state physics
and computer programming. The candidate will have to interact with the two groups involved
in the collaboration, as well as the ABINIT developer community.
Please send your application to both Fabien Bruneval and Marc Torrent with a complete CV
including references that we may contact.

Fabien Bruneval [email protected]
Marc Torrent [email protected]


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials