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post doctoral position available (No replies)

6 years ago
physics8621 6 years ago

We are looking for a post doctoral researcher in the field of 2D materials. In the last few years, we have been working on various physical properties of 2D materials using density functional method.

If you have experience in the following issues with first principles calculations, you can apply this position.

1. valletronics or spin valley issues with first pricciples

2. spin hall effect or spin hall trasnport with first principles 

3. spin seebeck or thermoelectric calculations with first principles


Location:Department of Physics Pukyong National ulUniversity Busan Korea

contract: one year and renewable

send me ([email protected]) your publication list and cv if you are interested in this position

Position will be available from Jun.01.2018



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials