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Post-Doctoral Position at Tohoku University, Jap ... (No replies)

8 years ago
t.nakanishi 8 years ago

Applications are invited for Postdoctoral Researchers in the Mathematics for Advanced Materials - Open Innovation Laboratory (MathAM-OIL) at Tohoku University. The MathAM-OIL is a research laboratory to focus on the study of advanced materials by mathematics, theoretical physics and chemistry, and computational science. The purpose is to investigate complex structures, functions, and fabrication processes of advanced materials by discrete geometry, topology, (first-principle) molecular dynamics simulation, nonlinear and nonequilibrium dynamics, active soft materials, condensed matter physics, network analysis, machine learning, and image analysis.  


The MathAM-OIL is just sat up at 30 June, 2016 for a collaboration between National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR), Tohoku University. Current senior members of the MathAM-OIL include Takeshi Nakanishi (AIST), Motoko Kotani (AIMR), Akihiko Hirata (AIMR), Natsuhiko Yoshinaga (AIMR), Chihiro Nakajima (AIMR), Kengo Nishio (AIST), Hiroshi Morita (AIST), and Tetsuya Morishita (AIST), as well as collaborators in Tohoku University include Dmitri V. Louzguine, Shin-ichi Orimo, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Kazuyuki Tanaka, and Mikito Koshino. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to interact and work with the researchers in all of the above fields.


The twelve positions are for a year, renewable for every year until 29 June, 2021. The post-doctoral researchers will be employed directly by AIST and treated according to the regulations of AIST on salary, working time and holidays. Applications including CV, publication list, document to prove his/her PhD, and brief report on the outline of his/her researches until now, should be submitted electrically to [email protected] by 30 Sep., 2016.

The detail for application is found in

Further information about the MathAM-OIL may be found at

Please direct any questions on the application process to [email protected]. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. 

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials