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Post-doctoral position at Chalmers University: C ... (No replies)

9 years ago
erhart 9 years ago

A post-doctoral position is available at the Department of Applied Physics at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. The position is placed at the Materials and Surface Theory Division under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Paul Erhart.

Project description

The ultimate objective of this project is to employ computational modeling to design layered materials with optimal optical and transport properties for applications in energy harvesting. To this end, you will construct and study models of the electronic structure based on ab-initio calculations that enable a quantitative description of the electronic and phononic degrees of freedom of these systems. These models will be utilized to predict the response of the system to external optical, electrical and thermal stimuli. Some of these models will be ultimately employed for calculations based on the density matrix formalism in a closely related post-doctoral project in the group of Asst. Prof. Ermin Malic (also at Chalmers). For this latter component, scientific communication and collaboration skills will be crucial. Since the construction of suitable models is a key aspect of this project, you will contribute to the continued development of our in-house model building codes and guide other group members in this area. Finally, you are expected to communicate your research results both orally at international conferences and in writing in
high-level scientific journals.


You should hold a PhD degree in physics or chemistry and have a strong interest in computational modeling
and electronic structure calculations. You should enjoy working in a collaborative environment including
interactions with both theoreticians and experimentalists.

Application procedure

To apply please use the Chalmers job portal:

The application deadline is December, 17th 2015. The link also provides additional information concerning Chalmers, the division, and the position.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials