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Post-doctoral Fellowship in computational materi ... (No replies)
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The theory group of solid state chemistry (SSC) at Max Planck institute for chemical physics of solids (MPI-CPfS) is looking for outstanding candidates within the field of computational materials theory. The successful candidate will perform calculations for 'Computer-aided optimization of the CIGS deposition process in the industrial implementation' project funded by Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi). Duration of the fellowship is one year and can be extended upon mutual agreement.
Project description: the aim of the project is to develop robust, competitive, and efficient processes for the industrial production of copper-indium-gallium-selenide (CIGS) thin-film solar cells. MPI-CPfS will focus on the theoretical study of the crystal growth process and the characterization of the CIGS absorber. An important area of research is to support the experimental groups in the manufacturing of tandem solar cells by finding new materials suitable for absorber and buffer layers.
Qualifications: the applicant is expected to have a PhD degree in computational physics or chemistry, or equivalent, with a good background in solid-state physics and first-principles methods. Experience with crystal structure prediction methods is essential. The accepted candidate should be able to communicate with project partners and write reports in English and/or German. Knowledge of German language is highly desirable.
How to apply: the application should include a CV, a research statement summarizing previous research achievements, a full list of publications, and the contact details of two referees. These documents (in pdf format) should be sent by email to Hossein Mirhosseini ([email protected]).