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Post-doc position on "TWO-DIMENSIONAL FERRO ... (No replies)
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One post-doc position (1+1 year) focused on “TWO-DIMENSIONAL FERROIC MATERIALS” is available in the group of Dr. Silvia Picozzi (CNR-SPIN Chieti, Italy)
TOPIC: Inspired by the global thrust towards miniaturization and by the ubiquitous research in 2D-materials, the activity will focus on the modelling of ferroelectrics, ferromagnets and multiferroics towards the 2D limit. Materials of interest will range from few layers of CMOS-compatible ferroelectrics (HfO2) to 2Dchalcogenides (SnTe, GeTe) to 2D halide-magnets (CrI3 and related). First-principles simulations and hamiltonian-modelling will be performed, aimed at fundamental understanding of microscopic mechanisms and materials optimization for applications
FUNDING: The position will be funded by a PRIN-MIUR project called “TWEET: ToWards fErroElectricity in Two-dimensions”, headed by Dr. S. Picozzi
SALARY: 1.600-2.000 Euros/month (net), depending on the candidate experience (Chieti has a rather low cost of life compared to Central/Northern European standards)
DURATION: 1 year, renewable for an additional year depending on the first year research outcome.
START: Beginning of 2020
RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT: MODEM group - MOdelling and DEsign of functional Materials, headed by Dr. Silvia Picozzi (CNR-SPIN).
LOCATION: the activity will be carried out at CNR-SPIN @ University of Chieti (Italy)
REQUIRED EXPERTISE: A PhD in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science or related disciplines is needed. Previous experience in first principles simulations is required.
CONTACTS: please contact Dr. Silvia Picozzi via email at silvia.picozzi at by sending your CV and list of publications. Use as e-mail subject: “TWEET Postdoc Application”. Further info: