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Post-doc position on the efficient simulation an ... (No replies)

7 months ago
gb 7 months ago

Applications are invited for a 2-year postdoc position in the Atomic Frequency Standards group at the National Metrological Institute, Turin, Italy (
The research fellow will collaborate with Gianluca Bertaina and develop new efficient and parallel numerical methods for many-body open quantum systems, merging time-dependent quantum Monte Carlo variational methods and stochastic unraveling of master equations, within a research collaboration including the University of Milan. The aim is to simulate multilevel atom-photon systems, which are relevant for trapped cold atoms coupled to optical cavities, with single-atom dephasing and decay terms. Research will be conducted in contact with the INRIM experimental groups building optical atomic clocks, aiming at contributing to the design of novel setups exploiting spin-squeezing generation in a cavity-enhanced optical clock with Strontium atoms. A recent related publication is

The ideal candidate is expert in one or more of the following:
-Theory of open quantum systems
-Atomic physics and light-matter interaction
-Numerical methods for many-body quantum systems
Willingness to bridge theoretical and experimental research is very appreciated.

This position is sponsored by the Italian Research Ministry, within the PRIN 2022 project "Efficient simulation and design of quantum control strategies for many-body quantum systems" (CONTRABASS). Details can be found at Deadline is December 12, 2023. Please also contact directly G. Bertaina for application instructions.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials