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Post-doc position in Condensed Matter Theory/Mat ... (No replies)

7 years ago
mbockstedte 7 years ago

In the Solid State Physics group of Prof. Dr. Michel Bockstedte, at the Department of Physics and Chemistry of Materials, University of Salzburg, a post-doc position is available for one year. The position is embedded in the joint research unit “Functional Molecular Structures on Complex Oxide Surfaces” (funCOS) at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and University of Salzburg.

“Molecular landscaping” is the vision of the multidisciplinary research unit “Functional Molecular Structures on Complex Oxide Surfaces” (funCOS).  Its aim is to understand the adsorption of functional molecular structures on the basis of a surface science approach and, to this end, explore site selective adsorption and formation of molecular assemblies. The metal oxide substrate is a key element of structure formation and thus a topic of investigations. For instance, novel nanoparticle systems will be addressed that feature surfaces of different orientation and connecting elements as adsorption sites for functional molecules.

The research of the Solid State Physics group within the funCOS research unit focuses on the photophysics and electronic structure of adsorbate systems as well as on key features of the metal oxides surfaces or nanoparticle systems. Our group pursues theoretical modeling of these topics based on density-functional theory, ab initio molecular dynamic simulations, and additional high-level electronic structure methods and complements the experimental funCOS projects. The detailed project will be discussed with the successful candidate and will depend on his or her skills and experience.

The successful candidate holds a PhD in physics or theoretical chemistry and has a strong background in electronic structure theory and computational physics preferably with experience in GW calculations. The position is available from October 2018. Evaluation of application will start beginning of September and will continue until the position is filled. Applications or further inquiries should be directed to Prof. Dr. Michel Bockstedte ([email protected]). Application should including a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a summary of past accomplishments, and two letters of recommendations.


[1] A. Classen, R. Pöschel, G. Di Filippo, T. Fauster, O. B. Malcioğlu, and M. Bockstedte, Electronic Structure of Tetraphenylporphyrin layers on Ag(100), Phys. Rev. B 95, 115414 (2017).

[2] M. D. Weber, J. E. Wittmann, A. Burger, O. B. Malcioğglu, J. Segarra-Marti, A. Hirsch, P. B. Coto, M. Bockstedte and R. D. Costa, From white to Red: Electric-Field Dependent Chromaticity of Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells based on Archetypal Porphyrins, Adv. Funct. Mater. 26, 6737 (2016).

[3] D. Thomele, G. R. Bourret, J. Bernardi, M. Bockstedte and O. Diwald, Hydroxylation Induced Alignment of Metal Oxide Nanocubes,   Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56, 1407 (2017).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials