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Post doc position: First-principles modeling an ... (No replies)
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The section for Computational Atomic-scale Materials Design (CAMD) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), is seeking an outstanding and highly motivated post doc within the area of first-principles modeling of photovoltaic materials. The position is funded by the European Research Council (ERC).
The successful candidate will develop and apply first-principles methods to model fundamental electronic processes (radiative and non-radiative) governing the performance of photovoltaic (PV) materials. We aim at obtaining a realistic assessment of the PV performance by explicitly accounting for scattering of photo-carriers on phonons and naturally occurring crystal defects. With these methods in hand, large-scale discovery studies of semiconductors for next-generation solar cells will be undertaken and the most promising candidates will be synthetized and tested by our experimental collaborators [for an example see Energy and Environmental Sciences 10, 2579 (2017)]. The discovery part of the project will involve the development of workflows for automatized high-throughput computations and machine learning algorithms for pre-screening and selecting the candidate materials.
CAMD ( offers an international and scientifically stimulating working environment at the Department of Physics, DTU, located in the northern Copenhagen area. The group has strong connections to local experimental groups within the VILLUM Center for the Science of Sustainable Fuels and Chemicals ( and the Center for Nanostructured Graphene (
Substantial computational resources are available for the project through the DTU-supercomputer facility Niflheim (
The successful postdoc candidate has a solid knowledge of solid state physics and practical experience with electronic structure calculations, at least at the density functional theory level and ideally also many-body theory. Programming experience (e.g. Python, C, C++) is preferred.
Good communication skills in both spoken and written English, are a requirement.
The assessment of the applicants will be made by Professor Kristian S. Thygesen.
Salary level
Salary level is approximately 65.000 Euro/year incl. pension.
The position is available immediately, but the starting date is flexible. The deadline for applications is March 1, 2020.
How to apply
Please submit your application at the DTU job portal:
DTU is a leading technical university globally recognized for the excellence of its research, education, innovation and scientific advice. We offer a rewarding and challenging job in an international environment. We strive for academic excellence in an environment characterized by collegial respect and an academic freedom tempered by responsibility.
Should you have any queries regarding the positions, please contact Professors Kristian S. Thygesen ([email protected]).