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post-doc position available in two dimensional m ... (No replies)

8 years ago
jisang 8 years ago

We are looking for a post-doc candidate in Department of Physics,  Pukyong National Univeristy, Busan, Korea.

The main research topic will be focused on two-dimensional materials. For instance, we are studying the hydrogen storage, electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of various types of two-dimensional materials or designing new artificial structures. 



Ph.D degree in physics, chemistry, or materials sciences

Experience in one of the followings tools: VASP, WIEK2K, FLAPW, SIESTA, quantum espresso, Quantum ATK, other transport property calculations,


The position will be available at any time. 

Contract will be one year and it can be extended up to 3 years.

Salary will be approximately $ 2500 to 2600 US dollar per month and it can be increased based on your performance.


Send me ([email protected]) your CV and list of publications  

please visit my website ( to find our more details 




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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials