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Post Doc position at US Naval Research Laborato ... (No replies)
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The Center for Computational Materials Science at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory invites applications for a postdoctoral position in Washington, DC. The Center conducts basic theoretical and computational research spanning a broad spectrum of materials, phenomena, and technologies; see for additional information. The research project will entail both first-principles and analytical calculations of optical properties of low-dimensional semiconductor structures, such as nanocrystals, nanoplatelets and transition metal dichalcogenide layers and their hetero-structures. The ideal candidate will possess a PhD in physics, materials science, or a related field and have experience in either first-principles calculations or analytical calculations of condensed matter systems. US citizenship is required. NRL is an Equal Opportunity Employer. To apply, send your resume and a list of references as a single PDF via the AMRDEC Safe Access File Exchange found at to Alex Efros at [email protected]. Please also see for more information.