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Post Doc Position at Ural Federal University, Ru ... (No replies)
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Postdoctoral Researcher – Theoretical study of the electronic structure of ion implanted semiconductor matrix
Post Doc Position
Ural Federal University
Russia, Ekaterinburg
This job posting expired on January 1, 2018.
Postdoctoral Researcher in Theoretical study of the electronic structure of ion implanted semiconductor matrix at the “Ion beam and plasma technology for creation of new functional materials and coatings” Laboratory
Deadline for applications: December 29, 2017.
Project description
The project is aimed at problems of the fundamentals basis of engineering sciences related to clarifying the nature of the electronic processes and direct structural defects formation and properties of solids in the term of interaction of ion irradiation with metals, alloys, solid dielectrics and semiconductors.
Research related to this position focused on the study of such materials electronic structure, as well as radiation-induced defects created during ion implantation investigated by method of the density functional theory (DFT).
Terms of employment
The position involves a full-time employment for 12 months, with the possibility of further extension up to 36 months. The position is full-time (nominally 40 hours a week). Remuneration for this position will be about 864 thousands Russian rubles an year.
The place of employment for this position is the Institute of Physics and Technology of Ural Federal University.
The postdoctoral researcher will be offered a 1-bed room apartment at a brand new apartment building near the main UrFU campus (about 5 min walk to the place of employment and 15 to 20 min walk to the city centre). The payement is 2-3 thousand roubles a month.
Qualification requirements
The Competition may involve the academic staff (scientists) under the age of 35 who have received the degree of Candidate of Sciences or PhD not more than seven years before the announcement of the Competition and involved in research activities, English-speaking, with publications in internationally reviewed journals included in the ‘Web of Science’ and ‘Scopus’ databases.
The application must include:
– a questionnaire of a participant of the competition of Postdocs (Appendix 2);
– a contest of the Competition participant for placement of information contained in the application (except for contact information) on the UrFU website;
– a copy of a PhD certificate;
– 5 most significant publications in refereed journals (copies);
– a certificate in English proficiency not below the B2 level (CEFR) or a comparable document issued by a specialised centre of UrFU.
Please send your application no later than 29 December 2017 by e-mail as a single PDF file, by using the APPLY button.
Further information on the Ural Federal University can be found at
For inquiries, please contact Prof. Seif Cholakh [email protected] or Associate Professor Ivan Zhidkov [email protected]
Union representatives
phone +7 (343) 261-24-66; mobile +7 (929) 213-12-10
URAL FEDERAL UNIVERSITY (UrFU) is one of the largest higher educational institutions in Russia bringing together fundamental education and innovative approach towards the challenges of modern times. The university is committed to contribute to global society by promoting a world-class research and learning environment and attracting people with the greatest potential to make a difference.
Looking towards 2020, the 100th anniversary of our founding, the primary component of our strategy is to develop our University as a place where research, teaching and learning take place in ways that are inspirational and innovative.