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Post-doc position at ILL : ab initio electronic ... (No replies)

5 years ago
marie 5 years ago

A post doc position will be opened in the Theory group of the Institut Laue Langevin (European neutron source, Grenoble France) for 36 months (18 months contract, possibly renewed for 18 extra months). The starting date is ideally October 1st 2019.

The position is to work under the supervision of MB Lepetit on ab initio electronic structure and spectroscopic calculations in strongly correlated systems, with a focus on magnetic excitations and multiferroic compounds (strong background in quantum mechanics required). The group has recently developed an ab initio code for magnetic spectroscopic applications. The applicant will be able to use this software to evaluate magnetic spectra, that can be compared to inelastic neutron scattering experiments.  

Knowledge in modern parallelisation and programming methods (open MP, MPI, Git, etc…) will be appreciated as the applicant may be involved in further methodological developments and their coding in the software according to his/her abilities.    

Applications are to be sent prior to August 18th 2019 (24h00) to [email protected] and include
• an application letter
• a CV
• recommendation letters are welcome

The candidates retained in the short list will be interviewed either in Grenoble of by visioconference during the two first weeks of September.

For further details see

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials