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Post-doc poistion at Néel Institut Grenoble Fra ... (No replies)
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Post-doc position in the Condensed Matter Theory group (TMC) at Néel Institute, Grenoble FRANCE
Starting date : any time between October and December 2019
Superviser : Marie-Bernadette Lepetit
Application deadline: August 18th 2019 at 24h00
How to apply: send an application letter in English to [email protected] and attach
- last diploma
- CV
- letters of recommendation are welcome.
Description of the Group: the candidate will work in the condensed matter theory group of the Néel Institut, in close collaboration with the Institut Laue Langevin (the European neutrons source) theory group.
Description of the candidate: the candidate should have a PhD in theoretical condensed matter Physics or Quantum Chemistry.
Description of the subject: the candidate will work on magneto-electric multiferroic materials, in collaboration with scientists from the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) theory group as well as experimentalists from ILL or ILL user groups. The scientific goal of this project will be to understand how the interactions between the different degrees of freedom control the inset or the amplitude of the magneto-electric coupling. Studies will be done using ab-initio calculations on different families of compounds.