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Post-doc in modeling electro-catalysis at Univer ... (No replies)

10 years ago
egillsk 10 years ago

Open Postdoctoral Research Fellow position at the University of Iceland in a group of computational and experimental electrochemistry, lead by Dr. Egill Skúlason, Associate Professor at the University of Iceland, see website:

The project "Fertilizer from air and water: From theory to experiments" was recently awarded a Grant of Excellence by the Icelandic Research Fund. The overall project involves density functional theory calculations, catalyst synthesis, electrochemical measurements and chemical analysis of products where a system is being developed for an electrochemical formation of ammonia from atmospheric nitrogen in an aqueous solution at ambient conditions. See references below. The overall project consists of several students and post-docs working on specific theoretical or experimental projects. Flow of information is required between the groups. The candidate advertised for this position here will do theoretical calculations and model the electro-catalysis and will advise several students in those calculations.

This position is open for applicants with a strong background in modeling with DFT calculations in the field of catalysis, and preferably with experience of electro-catalysis. An impressive track-record of papers in peer-reviewed journals is required as well as technical writing ability and verbal communication skills.

Please inform this opportunity to candidates that might be interested in applying. Applications including CV and letter(s) of recommendation should be sent to [email protected] with the title: "Application for a post-doc position in theoretical electrochemistry".


"Enabling electrochemical reduction of nitrogen to ammonia at ambient conditions through rational catalyst design", Y. Abghoui, A. L. Garden, S. Björgvinsdóttir, V.F. Hlynsson, H. Ólafsdóttir, E. Skúlason, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (2015) 4909

"A theoretical evaluation of possible transition metal electro-catalyst for N2 reduction", E. Skúlason, T. Bligaard, S. Gudmundsdóttir, F. Studt, J. Rossmeisl, F. Abild- Pedersen, T. Vegge, H. Jónsson, and J.K. Nørskov, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14 (2012) 1235

"Modeling the electrochemical hydrogen oxidation and evolution reactions on the basis of density functional theory calculations", 
E. Skúlason, V. Tripkovic, M. Björketun, S. Gudmundsdóttir, G.S. Karlberg, J. Rossmeisl, T. Bligaard, H. Jónsson and J.K. Nørskov,
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114 (2010) 18182

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials