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Post‐Doctoral Research Fellow at University Co ... (No replies)
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Software Platform for Multiscale Modelling of Reactive Materials and Processes (Ref: 1782710)
We are looking for a creative and ambitious post-doctoral fellow to work on method and software development for computational catalysis and reaction engineering. The remit of this role is within the €4M European Commission project “Software Platform for Multiscale Modelling of Reactive Materials and Processes (ReaxPro)”. The project aims at upscaling academic codes for reactive process modelling into user friendly, interoperable software components, which will be integrated with commercial software into an industry-ready solution for catalytic material and process design. The ReaxPro Software Platform will be validated and made available via the European Materials Modelling Marketplace. The main purpose of this job is to upscale Zacros ( a kinetic Monte Carlo software application for simulating reactions on catalytic surfaces, and contribute to the development of modules and standards for coupling this software application with lower and higher scale codes.
The post is available immediately and is funded for 2 years in the first instance, extendable up to 4 years, pending performance review. Beyond this period, there will be opportunities for a permanent contract for interested postholders with an excellent record of accomplishment.
View this advertisement on the UCL HR website and follow the link “Apply Now” at the bottom of that page to submit your application.
Deadline for applying: 30-Jan-2019.