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Positions of PhD, Postdoc, and Research Assistan ... (No replies)

6 years ago
CMD-SUSTech 6 years ago

Professor Guangfu Luo's group at the Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China has been working on computational modelling of functional materials through first-principles methods, including density functional theory and many-body quantum theory. Currently, several positions of PhD student, postdoctoral researcher, and research assistant professor are available. The projects involve computational modelling of the electronic properties, optical properties, defects, and growth dynamics of semiconductors, nanomaterials, and clean-energy materials, and also close experimental collaborations.

A proper degree in materials science, condensed matter physics, or a related field is required. Familiarity with molecular simulation is preferred, but capable and enthusiastic applicants with varied background will be considered too. The research will broadly develop computational modelling skills and have opportunities to work closely with superior experimental groups.

Outstanding applicants of PhD student can also apply for a collaborative PhD program, which provides opportunities of studying half of the time in a renowned partner institute (e.g. University of Hong Kong and National University of Singapore) and being granted a PhD degree of the partner institute.

The appointment for postdoctoral researcher and research assistant professor is initially for one year and can be extended depending on performance.

Depending on qualification and performance, the scholarship of PhD student varies between 60,000 and 100,000 RMB/yr, and the salary for postdoctoral researcher and research assistant professor between 370,000 and 420,000 RMB/yr.

Interested applicants should send a cover letter, CV (and transcripts for applicants of PhD student) to [email protected]. Review of applicants will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

Please find more information on Professor Guangfu Luo at .

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials