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Physics for Future: Postdocs in condensed matter ... (No replies)

Jindrich Kolorenc
10 months ago
Jindrich Kolorenc 10 months ago

The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU) and ELI Beamlines are offering postdoctoral fellowships allowing researchers to execute their own bottom-up research project over two years in the Czech Republic within Physics for Future (P4F), a Marie Skłodowska–Curie COFUND action. The first call now open aims at recruiting 30 fellows.

We offer

Eligibility criteria

  • Ph.D. degree, or an evidence of completing Ph.D. degree requirements and waiting to receive the degree.
  • At most 8 years of postdoctoral experience in research (after completing the Ph.D. degree).
  • Compliance with the MSCA Mobility rule, that is, applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activities (work, studies, etc.) in the Czech Republic for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the application deadline.

How to apply

Interested candidates should submit their project proposal in English including all mandatory attachments via the application portal available at

Application deadline: November 10, 2023

About the host institutions

Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU) is a public research institution specialising in fundamental and applied research across a diverse range of fields. With a staff of over 700 scientific employees, the institute is a leading research organisation in Czechia with a vital role in advancing human understanding of physics and its applications in the world.

The inspirational environment at FZU provides top basic, applied and interdisciplinary research and training for students. FZU's research activities address important societal challenges and help advance scientific knowledge and technology. FZU is a major partner to industry and it is committed to transforming research into practical applications which have benefits across society.

With the P4F fellowship programme, FZU aims to build on expertise of the divisions of FZU in elementary particle physics and cosmology, condensed matter physics, solid state physics, optics, plasma and laser physics.

ELI Beamlines Facility is a leading laser research centre and a part of the Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC, a pan-European research infrastructure hosting the world's most intense lasers. ELI provides unique tools of support for scientific excellence in Europe.

ELI ERIC has developed and operates four leading edge high-power femtosecond laser systems reaching unprecedented intensities. ELI ERIC offers to its users unique femtosecond sources of X-rays and accelerated particles. These beamlines enable pioneering research not only in physics and materials science but also in life sciences, laboratory astrophysics or chemistry with strong application potential.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials