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PhD(s) in 2D material applications/development (No replies)

7 years ago
timgould 7 years ago

Students are sought for various PhD projects in the 2d material field. Candidates will work on applications and/or method development. More information about research direction and possible topics can be found on my website Successful candidates can be based in Griffith University's campuses in Brisbane or the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.

The ideal candidate will have a 1st class Honours or Master Degree (or equivalent) in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, or related disciplines, with a strong theory background. The candidate should be familiar with density-functional theory (DFT), and have experience in scientific programming, ideally in Python. Good oral and written communication skills in English are required, and must be evidenced by internationally recognised tests.

How to apply: Please contact Dr Tim Gould ([email protected]), and include your full CV, a transcript of grades (detailing marks for individual subjects, especially research subjects), your list of publications and conference contributions, and the contacts of at least two references.

Funding: Suitable applicants will have all fees covered by the Australian Government or Griffith University. Fellowships to cover living expenses are available on a competitive basis for Australian and international students [see].

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials