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PhD, TU Wien, electronic correlations (No replies)

8 years ago
jkunes 8 years ago

We announce an open PhD position at the Vienna University of Technology in the group of Prof. Jan Kuneš within the ERC project EXMAG. The goal of the project is to explore condensation of magnetic excitons in systems with strongly correlated electrons. The novel concept of excitonic magnet with its rich phase diagrams is studied using simplified models. Material specific approaches are applied to search for possible real-world realizations. Our basic tools involve the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) with Quantum Monte-Carlo and Exact Diagonalization solvers and the density functional methods (Wien2k).

A successful candidate will perform DMFT calculations for few-band Hubbard models, LDA+DMFT calculations for real materials and will contribute to the development of the numerical methods. Excellent knowledge of condensed matter theory as well as ability to develop computer codes in FORTRAN, C, or C++ is expected.

We offer work on an interesting project in a stimulating environment. Vienna hosts several groups active in the development of electronic structure and many-body numerical techniques resulting in a great concentration of experience in the field computational physics.

Interested candidates should send their applications and CVs including
detailed grades to [email protected].


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials