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PhD studentships in Computer Aided Materials Dis ... (No replies)
Several studentships are available in the area of computer aided materials discovery in the group of Prof. A. Troisi.
The group will relocate to the University of Liverpool in April 2017, becoming part of the Material Innovation Factory
The students will work on the design and discovery of new materials using a range of tools from computational chemistry to big data analysis, all rooted in the understanding of the fundamental chemical and physical mechanisms. The group is currently working on semiconducting materials (polymeric and molecular) and energy materials (hybrid organic-inorganic) but will be soon expanding in other directions.
The available projects are suitable for students who have been interested in the most quantitative aspect of chemistry or material science, e.g. physical chemistry, spectroscopy, analytical chemistry, quantum chemistry or physics undergraduates with interest in material science or electronic structure calculations. Through this project the student will be prepared for a scientific career in the high-demand areas of material discovery, big data analysis or high performance computing.
Further information on the group (current institution) can be found at
Interested students should send a CV and a statement of their interests directly to [email protected].
Tax free stipend is about £14,500 per year. Eligible candidates should be EU citizens and hold a Master degree by the beginning of the studentship.
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