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PhD Studentship - University of Warwick || The F ... (No replies)

Gabriele Cesare Sosso
6 years ago

A (fully funded, 3.5 years) PhD Studentship is currently available (to UK and EU applicants) in the research group of Dr. Sosso at the University of Warwick.

The Studentship will focus on the Formation of Ice in Bacterial Fragments and their Biomimetics, and it is part of the offer of the NERC CENTA Environmental Science consortium.

!! The deadline for submitting an application is May 1st 2019 !!

Project description: The formation of ice is a process of paramount importance for atmospheric science, as it impacts the structure and the dynamics of e.g. mixed-phase clouds. While inorganic materials such as minerals or clays have been traditionally associated with the formation of ice, recent evidence indicates that biological systems such as bacterial fragments play a key role in facilitating the occurrence of "biological" ice in the atmosphere. In fact, the formation of ice in biological matter is also crucial for cryopreservation and medical applications. In this project, we are going to unravel the origin of ice nucleation on bacterial fragments as well as some synthetic counterparts of them - some biomimetics, useful to pinpoint specific structural features of e.g. the cell walls. To this end, we will leverage a unique combination of computer simulations and experimental techniques spanning multiple time and length scales, from the atomistic details of hydrogen bonding to the ice nucleating ability of whole libraries of bacterial fragments,. This multidisciplinary approach harnesses the ice-related expertise of Dr. Sosso and Prof. Gibson, both based at the University of Warwick, to provide the student with an exceptional blend of skills, delivering a cutting-edge piece of research with the potential to transform our understanding of biological ice in the atmosphere. In addition, we envisage this proposal to also impact the current paradigm of cryopreservation, which relies on the challenging control of ice in our cells.

More details: check out the full proposal here.

Requirements: This PhD Studentship is open to British and EU Citizens. Eligible candidates must hold (or be about to receive) an Honours/Masters Degree (at least II.1 or equivalent) in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Biophysics or other relevant disciplines. A strong background in physical chemistry, statistical mechanics, and/or biophysics is desirable. Previous experience with computer programming and molecular simulations is also welcome.

How to apply: Informal enquires may be made to Dr. Gabriele C. Sosso ( Details on the formal application procedure can be found here or here.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials