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PhD studentship position in Theoretical Condense ... (No replies)

3 years ago
esantos 3 years ago

Project: Applications are invited for a 3.5-year PhD studentship within the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh under the supervision of Dr Elton Santos. The student will be part of the Institute for Condensed Matter and Complex Systems as well as the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics. The project consists in the simulation and theoretical modelling of 2D materials and energy efficient processes. In particular, on advanced approaches on the electronic, magnetic and thermal properties of layered compounds and interfaces. The student will learn the fundamentals of the next generation of compounds for integration in information-platforms (i.e. hard-drives, smart phones, Tablets, etc.). The project will cover method developments and application of established techniques to challenging problems in materials technology. The student will master several concepts on the physics of magnetic materials, their importance for technology, and possible solutions to open-problems in the real-world such as clean-energy and environment friendly devices. The successful candidate will work closely with other PhDs or postdocs involved in similar investigations.   

Qualifications and skills: Previous experience is required on

  • Open-source ab initio codes (e.g. VASP, Quantum-Espresso, etc.).
  • Coding languages (e.g. Fortran, C/C++, Python, etc.)
  • Background on electronic structure methods (e.g. DFT, magnetism)
  • Monte Carlo techniques
  • Numerical and analytical approaches (e.g. tight-binding, spin Hamiltonians)

The successful candidate will develop several computational skills in terms of first-principles methods (e.g. strongly correlated systems), Monte Carlo, Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation techniques, and data-driven approaches (e.g. high-throughput, databases). Both method development and utilisation of in-house codes will be undertaken during the project. Hence, the student should have a strong background in the characteristics above. Access to computational world-class facilities via ARCHER and Cirrus UK National HPC Service at EPCC ( funded by the University of Edinburgh and EPSRC will be available.     

Experimental and theoretical collaborations: The project will be developed in collaboration with several world-class groups either locally or abroad. Such as at School of Physics and Astronomy, and the School of Chemistry (both at the University of Edinburgh), as well as at the National University of Singapore, Max Planck Institute, UC Berkeley. 

Eligibility: Students are expected to hold a 2.1 Hons degree or above, or equivalent, in physics, chemistry or a related discipline. A Master’s degree in one of the above fields/techniques would be advantageous together with previous publications in scientific journals.

How to apply: Interested applicants should use the following link including: 1) up-to-date CV, including publication list; 2) a letter of motivation; and 3) the names and contact details of three academic referees. 

Informal queries to Dr Elton Santos at [email protected]

Closing date: 14th May 2021




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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials