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PhD studentship: Modeling of lead-free perovskit ... (No replies)

8 years ago
vanroeke 8 years ago

The French Atomic and Alternative Energies Commision (CEA) is offering PhD fellowships for excellent students on strategic projects. We invite applicants to contact our group to submit a proposal on the theoretical modeling of novel perovskite-based photovoltaic materials.

We are looking for a talented individual who can contribute to the theoretical search for, and understanding of, novel materials for photovoltaics. The successful candidate will develop descriptors related to the efficiency of hybrid perovskites solar cells and perform a large-scale computational screening, with the aim of finding new and efficient lead-free materials. This project will be conducted in close collaboration with experimental groups at INES, France, and with other members of the group.

The materials modeling team in Grenoble comprises eight other scientists, with strong connections to experimental and theoretical groups worldwide. More information about our group can be found at:

Grenoble is located at the foot of the French Alps, and it enjoys a rich scientific, technological and cultural environment.

Required qualifications:

-To obtain a Master in computational condensed matter physics, computational chemistry, or related discipline, before December 2017.

-A keen interest in the ab-initio modeling of materials.

-Strong programming skills.

Modeling experience on one or more of the following topics is a plus: solar cells, electronic transport, high throughput materials modeling, data mining.

To apply: send cover letter and CV, along with transcripts of records and contact information of at least two references, to [email protected] and [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials