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PhD studentship in “Theory of Control of Matte ... (No replies)

[email protected]
8 years ago
[email protected] 8 years ago

The studentship is in the theoretical and computational chemistry group of Prof. Mats Persson, at Surface Science Research Centre/Department of Chemistry, The University of Liverpool.

The highly localized nature of electron tunnelling and tip forces in scanning probe microscopy have enabled imaging, characterization and manipulation of matter on the atomic and molecular scale. These advances are providing a paradigm shift in surface and nanoscience from the study of ensembles of atoms and molecules to single atoms and molecules and are creating new opportunities to discover and investigate new physical and chemical phenomena. Our goal is to develop quantitative theories, computational methods and concepts for tunnelling-electron- and tip-force-induced processes in close contact with experiments which will enable the design and realization of molecular devices for information processing and storage, catalysis and chemical sensors.

Examples of projects include computational studies and modelling of (a) control of proton transfer in single molecules and molecular chains by tip forces; (b) control of spin and electron transfer in molecules on surfaces and ultra-thin insulating films; (c) “on-surface” synthesis of functional molecular nanostructures. The proposed work will primarily be based on density functional calculations and will be carried out in close collaborations with world-renowned experimental groups headed by G. Meyer, IBM Zurich; T. Kumagai, FHI-MPG. Berlin; L. Grill, Univ. of Graz and C. Hirjibehedin, UCL and the local experimental group headed by R. Raval, around the new Low Temperature Scanning Probe Microscope at Liverpool. For further details about the work carried in our group, see

The tax-free stipend lasts for 42 months at the standard rate of about £14,296 pa. This graduate teaching assistant position includes some demonstrating and tutoring at undergraduate courses. Candidates need at least to have an upper second class honours degree in either chemistry or physics or equivalent. Experience of computational chemistry or physics is highly desired.

Apply by (1) sending a CV to Prof. Mats Persson via e-mail; (2) completing an online application form at Only candidates from the EU can apply.

Closing date: 17 June 2016

For further information about this project, please contact Prof Mats Persson

email: [email protected], telephone: +44 789 496 1018

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials