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PhD studentship in Theoretical/Computational Con ... (No replies)

8 years ago
esantos 8 years ago

PhD studentship available in Computational Materials Science


Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD studentship based at Queen's University Belfast (QUB), to work in the area of Energy Conversion and Advanced Device Platforms Based on Two-Dimensional Materials and Heterostructures.


The PhD studentship is part of the Sustainable Energy Pioneer Research Project (PRP) recently launched by QUB, which the project is in partnership with the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) at Columbia University in New York (USA). The partnership involves the experimental groups led by Prof. Abhay Pasupathy (Department of Physics), Prof. Theanne Schiros (FIT) and Prof. James Hone (Department of Mechanical Engineering), which have been working on the forefront of advances and applications of energy materials, oxides and heterostructures.


This project includes: i) the design and development of low-dimensional material platforms using controlled search for assembling of atomically thin structures; ii) Explore different types of physics and chemistry driven by quantum coherent electronic states that can be used in optoelectronic devices; iii) Investigation of new phase transition phenomena due to the emergent orders driven by externals parameters (e.g. electric bias, temperature, etc.); and iv) applications based on novel functionalities. Group members will benefit from a vibrant scientific environment at the Atomistic Simulation Center (ASC), and close collaboration with experimental and theoretical groups. The stipend is very competitive (cost of living in Belfast is amongst the lowest in the UK with a quality of live that is top in the nation, according to Quality of Life Index), and we also offer outstanding computational facilities at QUB, UK National Supercomputing Service (ARCHER), University College London (UCL) and new MacBook Pro’s for new students.


The applicants should have a university degree in physics, chemistry or equivalent, experience in coding and performing electronic structure calculations as well as good level of English. Imaginative and highly motivated candidates from the UK or that have been UK residents for the past 3 years are encouraged to apply. The position is available from January 2017, and the start date is negotiable.



How to apply


Interested applicants should complete an online application form, available from the following website at, providing an up-to-date CV, a letter of motivation, and the names and contact details of at least two academic referees.


Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr. Elton Santos, [email protected]

Closing date: 31st December 2016, 5pm, UK time.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials