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PhD studentship in the Atomistic Simulation Cent ... (No replies)

5 years ago
j.kohanoff 5 years ago

Two fully-funded postgraduate research studentships are available in the Atomistic Simulation Centre at Queen’s University Belfast, starting October 2020.

The Atomistic Simulation Centre is an internationally leading research group now in its 25th year. Over the years it has made substantial contributions to the modelling and simulation of materials at the atomic scale, by exploring the structural, dynamical, and electronic properties of a variety of physical, chemical and biological situations using theoretical methods and computational approaches. The eight Faculty members together with a similar number of post-doctoral researchers offer a wide range of technical expertise through individual coaching and a vibrant cohort training programme. This includes ab initio electronic structure calculations (DFT and quantum chemistry), many-body approaches (GW and BSE), time-dependent electron dynamics (TDDFT and NEGF), electron-phonon-photon dynamics, molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation, rare-event sampling, and machine learning techniques.

In 2020 we are proposing the following 4 projects:

1. Machine-Learning for Aqueous Interfaces. Supervisors: David Wilkins and Gareth Tribello

Funding: A 3-year studentship is allocated this project. This is sponsored by the Department for the Economy of Northern Ireland (DfE) and is reserved to UK residents, that is those who have lived permanently in the UK for the 3 years immediately preceding the start of the studentship.

2. Modelling energy deposition in biomolecules on ultrafast timescales. SupervisorsDaniel Dundas and Jorge Kohanoff

3. Quantum interactions in nanostructures. SupervisorsMyrta Gruening and Tchavdar Todorov

4. 2D materials based ultra-thin memory storage: efficient energy conversion and novel device platforms. SupervisorElton Santos

Funding: A 3.5-year studentship, sponsored by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) will be allocated to the best candidate in any of the three projects above: 2, 3, or 4. This studentship is available to UK and international students.

For further details on the projects, please see We encourage prospective students to contact the supervisors prior to application.

Academic Requirements: Eligible candidates must demonstrate a 1st or 2.1 class honours degree from a University in the UK or an equivalent academic qualification in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, or Mathematics, before 1st October 2020.

Candidates should apply electronically through the Queen’s online application portal.

Deadline for applications is 7th February 2020.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials