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PhD studentship in Glasgow, U.K. in Multiscale M ... (No replies)

8 years ago
karenjohnston 8 years ago

PhD studentship available in Multiscale Modelling of Heterogeneous Nucleation

Crystallisation is widely used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries and is a key step in separation and purification processes. However, despite its wide use, the process of crystal nucleation is not well understood. Classical nucleation theory is used to describe the nucleation process but it has severe limitations, which could be due to mesoscale clusters or the presence of impurities.

This project aims to understand the nucleation process by developing a multiscale model that is capable of describing both the formation of mesoscale clusters and heterogeneous nucleation. This will be a bottom-up approach that starts at the quantum level and builds up towards a mesoscale model.

The supervisors will be Dr. Karen Johnston and Dr. Miguel Jorge in the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering in the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. The project will be run in close collaboration with our experimental colleagues Prof. Jan Sefcik and Prof. Joop ter Horst, who are affiliated with the University of Strathclyde's Centre for Continuous Manufacturing and Crystallisation (CMAC), a state-of-the-art facility for crystallisation research. Students will have access to the ARCHIE-WeSt supercomputer.

The University of Strathclyde is situated in Glasgow city centre. Glasgow is a vibrant and friendly city with a wide range of cultural events and activities. For more information please visit

Qualifications and Eligibility

Please note that, due to the current funding source, only UK and EU citizens are eligible for this studentship. In addition students must have the equivalent of a first class honours degree in chemical engineering, physics, chemistry or a related subject. The start date will be 1st October 2016.

Experience in a UNIX/Linux environment, and with electronic structure or molecular dynamics simulations is desirable, although not essential.

How to apply

Interested applicants should apply by email to [email protected] and include a cover letter, CV, and two letters of recommendation.

The Department of Chemical and Process Engineering is committed to equal opportunities and endeavours to create an environment where students and staff are treated fairly. We hold a Bronze Athena SWAN award for our efforts to tackle gender inequality.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials