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PhD Studentship in Condensed Matter Theory at th ... (No replies)

7 years ago
gm400 7 years ago

We offer a four-year PhD studentship within a Royal Society funded project on “Fluctuation driven orders near quantum critical points”.

We are looking for candidates with enthusiasm for both field theory and computational research in strongly correlated phases for a quantitative study of quantum critical fluctuations.

The project will offer exposure to numerical and analytical methods of quantum many-body physics. The candidate will perform tasks ranging from code development, simulation and data analysis to the application of analytic models and comparison to theory predictions, allowing them to develop their understanding of condensed matter physics alongside strong computational and programming skills.

The position is placed within the School of Physical Sciences at the University of Kent in Canterbury under the direct supervision of Dr Gunnar Möller, and will involve an external collaboration with Prof. Andrew Green and Dr Frank Krüger at University College London.

The post holder will enjoy the following opportunities:

  • Deeply understand the physics of quantum many-body systems.

  • Learn advanced scientific computing and code development skills and deploy simulations of quantum many-body systems based on diagrammatic Monte-Carlo.

  • Attend international meetings, visit collaborators and participate in outreach activities, thanks to generous travel funds provided.

  • Work with high-performance computing facilities, including the new EPSRC Tier2 Materials Hub facility.

  • Benefit from access to both the Graduate School of the University of Kent and within the SEPNet Consortium.

Full funding is available for UK / EU candidates. Applicants from other countries are also eligible for the scholarship award, but would need to cover international student fees from other sources. This PhD Studentship is available with immediate effect with a flexible start date, and the post should be taken up before 16 September 2018.

Application deadline: 6 February 2018.

For full information on how to apply and for the person specification, please see

Contact for project queries: Dr Gunnar Möller, [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials