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PhD Studentship in Computational Physical Chemis ... (No replies)

Gabriele Cesare Sosso
4 months ago

A fully funded PhD Studentship (to start in September 2024) in Computational Physical Chemistry is now available at the University of Warwick – jointly supervised by Dr. Gabriele Sosso (Chemistry Department) and Prof. James Sprittles (Maths Department). 

The project will focus on drug delivery and mass transport in complex biological systems. The idea is to investigate how exactly molecules can navigate through disordered networks, from liposomes to human skin. We offer a bespoke training program including molecular simulations as well as fluid dynamics - which we will both use to unravel the connections between molecular-level interactions and macroscopic drug delivery processes. 

This project represents a prime opportunity to address challenges such as optimising drug transport and release via state-of-the-art nano-carriers. Moreover, we will leverage collaborations with experimental partners and offer unique opportunities to make a real impact on healthcare applications.

We are seeking a truly committed student to embark into this fascinating project. 

Additional details about both the project and the PhD Studentship can be found here

You can apply for this Studentship here.The deadline is February 29th. 

Informal enquiries are welcome and should be directed to Gabriele at [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials