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PhD studentship in Computational Materials Scien ... (No replies)
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PhD studentship in Computational Materials Science: Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Starting Date: October 2018
Title: Computational study of physical properties of nanocrystalline group 14 monochalcogenides.
PhD Advisor: Prof. Guy Makov (
Description: A PhD project in the group of Prof. Guy Makov at the Dept. of Materials Engineering & Ilse Katz Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology in the area of first-principles (DFT) modeling of physical properties of monochalcogenide systems: bulk, surfaces and defects. The project is part of a MOST funded research on “EXPLORING NEWLY DISCOVERED CUBIC IV-VI SEMICONDUCTORS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY APPLICATIONS”, which aims to develop the potential of the newly discovered cubic phases of SnS and SnSe for energy conversion and optoelectronic applications by a combination of synthetic, experimental and computational modelling approaches. The research will involve collaboration with experimental groups at Ben-Gurion University. For a recent review of progress in this field see R.E. Abutbul et al., Adv. Mater. 2018, 1706285.
Applications from highly qualified and motivated individuals with Master of Science degree in Physics, Materials Science or Chemistry are invited. Prior experience with density functional theory methods or computational science will be an advantage. Further requirements include good written and oral communication skills in English, ability to work independently and to cooperate with project partners. The successful applicant will receive a student grant and full tuition costs.
Please send your application (including a one-page cover letter addressing your research interests and motivation, curriculum vitae, copies of M.Sc. and B.Sc. certificates and transcripts – translated into English if necessary, as well as contact information of two references) to Prof. Guy Makov [email protected]. Starting dates are October 2018 or exceptionally February 2019.