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PhD studentship at the Materials Science Institu ... (No replies)

8 years ago
silviagq 8 years ago

We offer a 3-year PhD contract within the EU Horizon2020 research project "Amphibian" (Anisometric permanent hybrid magnets based on inexpensive and non-critical materials), to develop a PhD thesis on the theoretical modelling of permanent magnets based on complex ferrites. The salary is based on the Spanish Research Council scale, around 20,000 Euros/year, and the starting date will be in the first trimestre of 2017. The work will combine optimization of the materials properties based on density functional theory calculations, together with the development of new algorithms intended to improve the description of the magnetic exchange interactions in these materials. The work will be performed in close collaboration at the international level, both with experimental partners and with theoretical groups in the area of micromagnetism, aimed to address a multiscale description of the magnetic properties of the ferrites.

Applicants should have finished a Master degree on Physics, Theoretical Chemistry or Materials Science. A strong background on Solid State Physics and Quantum Mechanics, and good communication skills in English (both oral and written) are requested. Experience under linux environments and programming will be positively considered.

Interested candidates should send a letter of motivation and a CV, including the detailed score list of both the Grade and Master studies, to:

Dr. Silvia Gallego (sgallego AT

Applications will be received during December.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials