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PhD Studentship at Imperial College London in Qu ... (No replies)

7 years ago
lratcliff 7 years ago

PhD Studentship at Imperial College London

Quantum Mechanical Simulations of Organic Electronics

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship in quantum mechanical simulations of organic electronics, under the supervision of Dr Laura Ratcliff at Imperial College London. The expected starting date is October 2018.

This PhD project will include both the development and application of novel methods for simulating disordered organic semiconductors, with a focus on applications to OLEDs. The research will use methods based on density functional theory and will exploit techniques for large systems, including linear-scaling and multi-scale approaches, as well as methods for excited states.

The funding is available to UK students or EU students who have been ordinarily resident in the UK for three years prior to the start date. Applicants should have a Master’s degree or First degree (or equivalent) with a First Class or Upper Second Class in Physics, Chemistry or Materials Science, a strong interest in materials modelling and high performance computing, and experience with computer programming.

Further information about the research project and formal application process may be found at

Informal enquiries are strongly encouraged and should be directed to Dr. Laura Ratcliff at [email protected].



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials