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PhD studentship – Advanced Nuclear Materials D ... (No replies)
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PhD studentship – Advanced Nuclear Materials Design - Huddersfield UK
Deadline for application 30 June 2017
Start Date: September 2017
Nuclear power is a critical energy source to support society and economy. The development of safe nuclear technologies is of paramount importance and depends on the response of materials in the extreme environment of a reactor core. Here, neutron bombardment causes radiation damage which modifies the microstructure of materials and deteriorates their performance.
This project will determine the response of materials to radiation damage, and will deliver atom-level insights into their structural modifications and knowledge of the underlying mechanisms. This information will be used to design 3D nanostructures of materials with greater resilience to radiation damage. Ultimately the goal is to inform the synthesis of advanced nuclear materials with the ability to recover from and accommodate radiation damage.
We will use a combination of ab initio and classical modelling. Candidates may access the Microscopes and Ion Accelerators for Materials Investigations (MIAMI) facilities at the University of Huddersfield, if they want to try some experimental wok (although not necessary).
The project will be tailored to fit student’s interests. Applicants are not required to have previous experience in computational chemistry. If you wish to discuss any details of the project, please contact Dr Marco Molinari – [email protected]
Funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Training Partnership with the University of Huddersfield. Fully funded PhD including tax-free stipend starting from £14,553 (for 2017/18), for the duration of 3 years. All tuition fees paid for the 3 year period.
Application Details:
1) Complete the Studentship Application Form
2) Provide a current detailed CV, identifying any research employment or experience and, where applicable, details of research conference presentations or publications.
3) Provide copies of transcripts and certificates of all relevant academic and/or any professional qualifications.
Candidate Requirements. The EPSRC Doctoral Training Grants are open to applicants who are UK or EU citizens. Applicants should hold or expect to obtain a First Class or Upper Second Class Honours degree or equivalent in a relevant subject area.