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PhD Student, Simulation and Thermodynamics of Ap ... (No replies)

5 years ago
MichaelEngel 5 years ago

We are searching for a highly motivated candidate in the following position:

PhD Student, Simulation and Thermodynamics of Aperiodic Crystals

The successful applicant will join an interdisciplinary research group in the Institute for Multiscale Simulation at Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg. Members of the research group currently work on nanomaterials design, crystallization processes, and colloidal self-assembly.

Aperiodic crystals are fascinating materials that possess long-range order but lack lattice periodicity. They are found in a variety of systems: intermetallics, oxides, minerals, elements under pressure, high-Tc superconductors, organic compounds, and proteins. The PhD thesis is part of a DFG-ANR funded German-French collaboration of six laboratories on the relationship between aperiodic order and physical properties.

The focus of the thesis are complex metallic alloys and oxide thin films. For this purpose, phase diagrams are calculated using molecular dynamics and density functional theory, assisted by machine learning of atomistic and coarse-grained models. These simulations accompany experiments carried out by our collaborators at x-ray and neutron facilities. The PhD student will visit the laboratory SIMaP of the University Grenoble Alpes (France) and interact with other PhD students in Caen (France) and Bayreuth (Germany).

Qualified applicants must have a Master’s degree in Physics, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, or a related field. Experience in simulation and computer programming (C/C++, Python) is desirable. Excellent communication skills in English to disseminate the results in international journals and conferences are expected. An interest in mathematics and physical sciences is required.

FAU offers the opportunity to work in an outstanding research university with innovative academic structures. Salary is in accordance with the German public service salary scale and the accordant social benefits. The position is available starting July 2019. Review of applications will begin April 22 and continue until the position filled.

For further information please see our webpage: and contact Prof. Michael Engel.
To apply, send your CV, cover letter, one-page summary of your Master's thesis, and references (people who may be contacted) via email to: [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials