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PhD student position in machine learning (No replies)
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Nano Energy and Engineering Laboratory led by Prof. Ming Hu at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Carolina, USA has one PhD student opening for the broad areas of machine learning for novel materials discovery.
Applications must include
1) a detailed description of the applicant’s background in machine learning / high throughput simulations;
2) a resume/CV with full publication list and contact information for references;
3) bachelor and/or master transcripts;
4) TOEFL or IELTS and GRE scores.
High priority will be given to those with strong background in atomistic simulation of energy transport in advanced materials. Experience in first-principles calculations will be a plus. Students with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in mechanical engineering or materials science or condensed matter physics are strongly encouraged to apply.
Start date: fall semester 2019
Contact: Dr. Ming Hu
E-Mail: [email protected]…
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