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PhD student position in computational materials ... (No replies)
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A PhD student position is available in Professor Beth Nowadnick’s research group in the Department of Physics at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) in the area of materials physics. The research project will utilize density functional theory simulations to investigate structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of complex oxides. The start date is summer/fall 2018.
The Nowadnick research group uses theory and simulation to elucidate and engineer the properties of structurally and electronically complex oxides, such as ferroelectrics, charge/orbital ordered systems, and quantum magnets. We are particularly interested in systems where multiple structural and/or electronic order parameters are active, giving rise to novel properties or functionality. The group uses a combination of density functional theory, group theoretic methods, and model Hamiltonian-based approaches. More information can be found at:
More information on the Department of Physics at NJIT:
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Prof. Nowadnick at [email protected] prior to formally submitting an application to NJIT. In the email, please include a brief description of your research interests and attach a CV.
Applications must be submitted to the NJIT PhD program in Applied Physics at The application deadline is December 15, 2017.
The New Jersey Institute of Technology is located in downtown Newark, NJ. Newark hosts several higher education institutions, leading companies, and cultural venues. It is also well connected by public transit to the surrounding area, and is a 20-minute train ride from downtown New York City.