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PhD student position in “Atomistic simulations ... (No replies)
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A fully funded Ph.D. position in atomistic simulations is available in a theory group “Atomistic Simulations of Materials” (Group Leader Dr. Arkady Krasheninnikov) at the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany, within the framework of a DFG project “Imaging and atomic structure engineering of quasi-two-dimensional materials encapsulated between graphene sheets” (Principal Investigators Ute Kaiser, University of Ulm, and Arkady Krasheninnikov, HZDR).
Project description
2D inorganic materials have unique electronic and optical properties, but many systems are unstable in air. A possible solution is to encapsulate them between graphene or BN sheets, which are chemically inert. Moreover, such an approach makes it possible to create new materials with reduced dimensionalities. In this project, we are going to study such systems and their transformations under electron beam by combining high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (to be performed at University of Ulm, with atomistic simulations. The project will give a unique opportunity to carry out a theoretical research in a ‘hot’ area in close collaboration with one of the world-leading experimental groups focused on the electron microscopy of low-dimensional systems. The groups have successfully worked together with many joint papers in high-impact journals, and it is expected that many interesting results will be obtained in this project, which would enable one to explore promising avenues for engineering the structure and properties of novel encapsulated nanostructures.
Essential Requirements
• Master degree in solid-state physics, computational physics or materials science
• Good scripting and programming skills;
• Experience with atomistic simulations (molecular dynamics, density-functional theory calculations) is highly desirable;
• Excellent written and oral communication skills in English;
• Readiness to work in an international team and closely collaborate with experimentalists.
• Carry out density-functional-theory and analytical potential molecular dynamics simulations aimed at understanding the electronic and mechanical properties of 2D materials encapsulated between graphene sheets;
• Assess structural transformations in such systems induced by the electron beam in the high-resolution transmission electron microscope;
• Closely collaborate with the experimental group of Prof. Ute Kaiser, University of Ulm, involved in the project
• Develop the dedicate software for the analysis and interpretation of the evolution of 2D materials encapsulated between graphene sheets under electron beam.
Duration and salary
The total duration of the positions is three years. The starting date is 01.10.2017 (negotiable). The salary is based on the collective agreement TVöD-Bund.
How to apply
Interested applicants should submit the complete application consisting of a cover letter, CV, a copy of study records, certificates and contact information of at least two referees via the online application system:
The deadline for applications is 31.07.2017. The application should be submitted in English.
For more information please contact Dr. Arkady Krasheninnikov ([email protected]).
See also,
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf e. V. (HZDR) established an excellent reputation of an international competence centre for research in the sectors health, energy and matter with more than 1,000 employees. HZDR is a member of Germany's largest research organization - Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers (HGF).
Further information can be found at