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PhD-Student (f/m) for Molecular Simulations of E ... (No replies)

6 years ago
ruiz 6 years ago

We are pleased to announce an open PhD position in the group of Prof. Joachim Dzubiella at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) in Wannsee. Work in our research group is devoted to the investigation of functional interfaces for energy materials, such as electrodes for future electrochemical storage and conversion devices, using molecular computer simulations and statistical physics approaches. We work in close collaboration with experimental partners at HZB and compare our results to state-of-the-art neutron scattering and X-ray spectroscopy techniques.

Doctoral Thesis:
"Molecular simulations of functional liquid-solid interfaces for water splitting applications"


  • Develop, conduct, and analyze atomistic computer simulations of functional solid-liquid interfaces for water splitting, such as semiconducting oxide / aqueous electrolyte interfaces 
  • Direct comparison of the results with spectroscopy experiments on site
  • Understanding the role of interfaces in photo-electrochemical water splitting
  • Communication of results through publication and conference participation.


  • Completed scientific university degree in theoretical physics or chemistry or related material science field.
  • Experience in the field of computer simulations of complex molecular fluids and the statistical mechanics of interacting many-body systems.
  • Experience in electrostatic modeling / electronic structure methods and polarizability effects in metallic and semiconducting solids.
  • Very good spoken and written English skills.
  • Very good programming and scripting skills, such as python, C/C++.
  • Outstanding commitment, interest in interdisciplinary and Independent scientific Work.

What we offer

Fixed term contract for 36 months . The salary is based on the Collective Agreement for the German Public Service (TVöD-Bund).

We particularly welcome applications from women. Preference will be given to handicapped applicants provided equal suitability.

How to apply

Have we sparked your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your application by 29.03.2018. Apply now via this link.

For German version, please click on the following link: German Version.

Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH
Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1
14109 Berlin

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials