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PhD Scholarship at Curtin University - Perth - A ... (No replies)

8 years ago
paolo.raiteri 8 years ago

Would you like to do a PhD in Australia but spend some of your time in Sweden?

Would you like to do a PhD in conjunction with AstraZeneca, one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies?

If so, then consider coming to Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia to work on the project “In-silico prediction of the physical performance of pharmaceutical crystals”. Although the project is based at Curtin University, we have funding for the successful student to spend up to a year in Sweden at the AstraZeneca labs during the four years of their PhD.

More details on the project are available at:

Details on applying are at:

For informal enquiries contact:

Prof Andrew Rohl

Director | Curtin Institute for Computation
Professor of Computational Science | Department of Chemistry
Curtin University
PO Box U 1987                        
Perth, WA 6845
Ph: +61 8 9266 3124
Fax: +61 8 9266 2300

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials