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PhD, Postdoc, and Staff Positions in Theoretical ... (1 reply)
Following the post above, the chemical reactions we are interested in are syngas conversion, carbon dioxide reduction, methanol conversion, confined electro-catalysis.
With best regards
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Dear All,
The group led by Professor Jianping Xiao now has a number of positions for PhD candidates, Postdocs and Staff Scientist. The focus is to use first principles approaches + reaction phase diagram analysis + machine learning to address heterogeneous catalysis.
Professor Jianping Xiao's group at the State Kay Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China has been working on the reaction phase diagram of chemical reactions, electro-catalysis, and development of machine learning algorithm. We provide competitive salaries for these positions and the great platform for catalysis research. For more details please refer to
Interested applicants should send CV to [email protected]. Review of applicants will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
All the best