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PhD Positions in Condensed Matter Theory at SISS ... (No replies)

10 years ago
massimocapone 10 years ago

Ph.D. positions in Theory and Numerical Simulation of Condensed Matter are available at the International School for Advanced Studies/SISSA in Trieste, Italy ( The deadline is August, 31st.

The condensed matter group features a wide spectrum of activities including the development of the Quantum Espresso project (, new methods to treat electronic correlation in Density-Functional Theory, Dynamical Mean-Field Theory calculations of correlated materials, Quantum Monte-Carlo simulations of model systems and materials, the investigation of physical and chemical properties of surfaces, interfaces and nano-structured materials, and non-equilibrium quantum systems.

Possible supervisors include Prof. S. Baroni, M. Capone, A. Dal Corso, S. de Gironcoli, M. Fabrizio, G. Santoro, A. Silva, S. Sorella as well as researchers of the Condensed Matter Group at ICTP, including S. Scandolo and R. Gebauer, and of the Democritos Simulation Center of IOM-CNR (F. Becca, S. De Palo, S. Fabris, S. Moroni, S. Piccinin, A. Vanossi). The condensed matter group also hosts the ERC Advanced Grant MODPHYSFRICT coordinated by E. Tosatti and the ERC Starting Grant SUPERBAD by M. Capone.

SISSA students and researchers also benefit from collaborations with the Elettra Synchrotron Radiation Facility and the University of Trieste.

The candidates will be selected in mid September after evaluation of the candidate qualification and an interview which can also be performed by videoconference (Skype or similar platforms). The successful candidates will start their Ph.D. on November, 1st.

Applications can be submitted online:

For any information please feel free to contact me ([email protected]) or any other member of the Condensed Matter Group at SISSA.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials