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PhD Positions in Computational Catalysis, Univer ... (No replies)
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Two PhD positions in Computational Catalysis, Department of Chemistry, University of Calgary, Canada
Applications are invited for two PhD positions in the group of Dr. Samira Siahrostami at the Department of Chemistry, University of Calgary. The projects will focus on the development of (electro)catalyst materials for sustainable energy applications.
Project Description
The aim is to understand and discover materials for catalyzing (electro)chemical reactions. The work at the University of Calgary is computational, applying and developing state of the art electronic structure simulation tools and analysis. There will be a close collaboration with the experimental partners in the project. For further details about the research group see:
Suitable Candidates
We expect you to be a highly motivated and ambitious scientist with the following qualifications:
Application Process
Applications must include a cover letter, CV (resume), and the contact details of at least two referees. Documents should be emailed in a single PDF file to Dr. Samira Siahrostami at [email protected].