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PhD position, studies of materials at high pre ... (1 reply)

Igor Abrikosov
10 months ago
Igor Abrikosov 10 months ago

We are looking for a PhD student to join Theoretical Physics Division at Linköping University, Sweden. The research deals with theoretical studies and method development, with a focus on new materials discovered at high pressure and high temperature conditions (HPHT). We will develop efficient and reliable theoretical tools for predictions of properties of materials discovered at HPHT and apply them in studies of materials synthesized experimentally in our collaborations with leading international groups. The study is supported by the Swedish Research Council.

As a PhD student, you devote most of your time to doctoral studies and the research projects of which you are part. Your work may also include teaching or other departmental duties, up to a maximum of 20% of full-time.

To be employed as a PhD student, you should have graduated at master’s level in theoretical physics or computational physics, materials science, chemistry or equivalent or completed courses with a minimum of 240 credits, at least 60 of which must be in advanced courses in physics, materials science or materials chemistry. Alternatively, you have gained essentially corresponding knowledge in another way. Documents showing courses and grades must be attached to the application. The position is not intended for you who have significantly more experience, e.g. already have a PhD.

Previous experience with DFT calculation of materials coupled with experience with machine learning algorithms is particularly meritorious. Python programming skills are required. Since research and collaborations are conducted in English, good knowledge of written and oral communication in English is a requirement. Eligible for employment as a doctoral student is only someone who is admitted or has already been admitted to doctoral education.

Applicants are expected to provide a statement of intent (max. 1 page, 11pt) as well as a half-page summary (plus max. one figure) of their thesis written in English. In the letter of intent, you must specify your research interest with regard to the subjects described above and highlight the relationship to your studies and other experiences.

For more information see

Apply for the position following the link above by clicking the “Apply” button. Your application must reach Linköping University no later than 27 May, 2024.

Contact person

Igor Abrikosov, Professor in Theoretical Physics

[email protected]

Sakshi vijay
8 months ago
Sakshi vijay 8 months ago

Is this vacancy still available?

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials