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PhD position on “Theory of molecular scale ele ... (No replies)
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This studentship is available from October 2019 in the Device Modelling group ( at the University of Warwick and will cover University fees at the UK/EU rate and a maintenance allowance.
The PhD project aims towards fundamental and theoretical understanding of quantum transport through nanoscale molecular junctions, self-assembled monolayers, graphene nanoribbons and van der Waals heterostructures. The work will be based on first-principles density-functional theory and non-equilibrium Green’s function transport calculations on high performance computing facilities. The ultimate goal of the research is to utilize quantum phenomena such as quantum interference to engineer the properties of advanced materials for various applications such as thermoelectric energy recovery and cooling, molecular electronic building blocks, sensors, molecular spintronics and optoelectronic devices. For more information on our research activities, visit:
The successful candidate should have:
(1) A master's level degree in electronic engineering or physics (applied physics, engineering physics, materials science, chemical physics) or an equivalent degree
(2) A sound knowledge and interest in nanoelectronics and condensed matter physics
(3) A strong interest in computational materials modelling and quantum transport
(4) Experience in electronic structure calculations and/or atomistic simulations.
The scientific results are expected to be presented at national and international meetings and published in peer-reviewed journals. The applicant must have excellent oral and written communication skills in English, and be able to interact effectively with experimental collaborators.
To apply, please provide a single pdf document including a cover letter, full curriculum vitae, a list of all publications and contact information for two references by email to [email protected]