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Phd position on the theory of novel X-ray techni ... (No replies)

4 months ago
robeme 4 months ago

We are pleased to announce an open position (75% EG 13 TV-L) within the Cluster of Excellence „Advanced Imaging of Matter“ at the Universität Hamburg / CFEL on the theory of advanced X-ray techniques for the study of the dynamics of energy storage materials. The successful candidate will develop theoretical ab initio models to devise novel X-ray analytical techniques for studying dynamics in energy-storage materials. In particular, they will develop the theoretical framework for chemically sensitive X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS). This technique has potential to be sensitive to uncover time scales, binding mechanism and characteristics of motion of cations in materials exhibiting enhanced energy storage properties, such as pseudocapacitance. They will employ state-of-the-art electronic structure and molecular dynamics simulations to describe the electrochemical processes, electronic structure changes and cation transport dynamics, and subsequently predict expected measurement signals. This study will lay the foundation for novel X-ray techniques at X-ray-free electron lasers, with the potential of first proof-of-principle experiments at the end of the doctoral research phase. 

Your profile

A university degree in a relevant field.

Prospective candidates

  • have completed their undergraduate studies (M.Sc. or equivalent) in theoretical physics or quantum chemistry with excellent grades
  • have preliminary knowledge in the theory of x-ray or light matter interaction, electronic structure theory or quantum chemistry
  • have programing skills
  • have excellent command in spoken and written English
  • are highly motivated to learn, advance and apply new theoretical methods
  • are team players, eager to communicate and to learn from other group members and collaborators

For more details and application until March 18, 2024  please see the following link:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials