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PhD position on structure and dynamics of interf ... (No replies)

6 years ago
sulpizi 6 years ago

A PhD position is available in the group of Prof. M. Sulpizi at the University of Mainz, Germany.

The research topic focuses on the structure, dynamics and spectroscopy of interfaces using a multiscale simulation approach which includes ab initio and force field -based molecular dynamics.

The successful applicant will have the opportunity to join the PhD program of the TRR146 (, which provides a stimulating scientific environment and excellent facilities for professional and personal development.

A master in physics, chemistry or materials science with excellent grades - good knowledge of statistical mechanics and/or electronic structure theory - good knowledge of modern programming and scripting languages - proficiency in spoken and written English language are required.

Applications, including a statement of interest and CV, should be sent to: Marialore Sulpizi ([email protected] )

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials