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PhD position on "Multiscale approach to imp ... (No replies)

6 years ago
PhBaranek 6 years ago

This PhD position will mainly focus on the study of the different mechanisms of the Light- and elevated-Temperature-Induced Degradation (LeTID) of the Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell (PERC) modules. It aims to develop a « simple » theoretical multiscale approach, from first-principles to molecular dynamics or Monte-Carlo simulations, to deepen the existing knowledge and to link the nanoscopic and microscopic characteristics of LeTID with a specific focus on the role of hydrogen (depending on its origin), of the extrinsic or intrinsic defects, and of the interfaces.

The candidates must have skills and interests in the structural and electronic properties of condensed matter, computer modeling and simulation with good fundamentals in physico-chemistry of solid materials. If interested, you should send us a CV, a cover/motivation letter, and the contact information of referring persons.

- Philippe Baranek, EDF R&D - IPVF, 91120 Palaiseau.
email : [email protected]
- Holger Vach, LPICM, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, 91120 Palaiseau.
email : [email protected]


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials