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Phd position on energy materials and materials i ... (No replies)

2 years ago
fsu_chem_hire 2 years ago

Multiple graduate student position openings at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of Florida State University (Enroll in 2023.09)

Multiple Ph.D. and postdoc positions are available starting as soon as Fall 2022 in the research group of Dr. Bin Ouyang at Florida State University. The position will be hosted by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The prospective research directions will cover the following topics:

  1. Computational modeling and machine learning on battery materials and catalysis.
  2. Predictive synthesis of inorganic solids, particularly high entropy functional materials.
  3. Applied data science on materials informatics, including text/image mining, database development, and machine learning algorithm development for materials discovery.

About the PI

Dr. Bin Ouyang started as an assistant professor in 2022.08. Before that, he was a postdoc with Prof. Gerbrand Ceder at the University of California Berkeley. He has more than 50 publications, including first/corresponding authored papers in Science, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Joule, Chem, Matter, and Advanced Energy Materials. He also serves as Associate Editor for Materials Today Energy, and advisor for the alloy phase committee of TMS. More information can be found on or

Special Notes for Perspective Graduate students

  1. FSU has joined a group of universities (including Harvard, UChicago, etc.) that have stopped requiring GRE scores as the admission requirement. Therefore, you will not need to have a GRE score to apply to FSU and Ouyang group.
  2. We welcome self-motivated students. In other words, we appreciate prior experience in computational chemistry, but we also value candidates that can show strong self-motivation and learning capability.

About Florida State University

Florida State University is a world-class public institute that ranks 19th among all public universities, and 55th among all universities in the United States. Florida State University is home to Florida's only national laboratory, the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, which is also the only national laboratory with a high magnetic field in the United States and the largest magnetic laboratory in the world. Additionally, Florida State University is listed as one of the eight core university partners of Oak Ridge National Lab.

How to Apply.

Interested candidates are encouraged to email Dr. Bin Ouyang ([email protected]) with a short introduction of your research interests and research experiences.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials