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PhD position on combined computational/experimen ... (No replies)

8 years ago
andrienko 8 years ago

A PhD position is available immediately at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany. The position is sheared between the Theory and Physical Chemistry groups. The research project concerns combining simulations and spectroscopic measurements to study the effect of the solvation shell on energy transfer in densely populated organic triplet ensembles.

The contract is for three years, including six months of probation period. The successful applicant will work in close collaboration with Dr. Denis Andrienko ( ) and Dr. Stanislav Balouchev ( ).

Applicants should hold an MSci degree and have a strong background in physics, physical chemistry, or chemistry. An application, a CV, and recommendation letters should be sent electronically to Dr. Denis Andrienko and Dr. Stanislav Balouchev ([email protected]; [email protected]).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials